Please fill out the bottom of this form completely and postal mail it to:
esp Software
1112 Oceanic Drive
Encinitas, California, 92024-4007, USA
or e-mail it to:
If you are enclosing payment directly to esp Software, instead of sending it via the CompuServe or Kagi shareware services, then make checks payable to "esp Software". After your registration is processed, esp Software will send you a paper certificate with a special registration number for your copy of MooVer. When you type your name and this number into MooVer, the "Please Register" dialog box will be permanently suppressed. Note that for individual licenses, a user name (not just a company name) is required to process the registration. For multi-packs, a single user name or school or company name is used, and that name will then be used for every copy of MooVer on the license.
__________________[ Return the portion below ]______________________
Product: MooVer
Version: 1.6-us
Today's date: dd-mon-year
License Type: Regular, School (choose one)
Number of Licenses: 1, 5-pack, 10-pack, 20-pack, 50-pack, Site (choose one)
Total Amount: $xx USA (see MooVer Read Me document for rate charts)
Your full name, as you would like it displayed in the registration:
(63 characters max.)
Your postal mail address:
City: State/Province/Ken:
Country: Postal code:
Telephone*: [ ] home [ ] work * optional, of course
Your electronic mail address:
e-mail address:
on the service: [ ] CompuServe [ ] America OnLine [ ] internet
[ ] other:
Your computer type:
Mac Brand: Mac model:
MacOS Software Version: QuickTime version:
Where did you find MooVer, and what programs do you use it with?
Your Comments:
In order to make this a better product, we at esp Software would love your feedback. Please let us know what you enjoy or dislike about MooVer, what features would you like to see added, etc.?